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R&M supports our projects optimally.

Stephan Lührs, co-owner of IngCommerce

Public Networks
Fiber Optics
Serviços de TI
Public Networks
Fiber Optics
Serviços de TI

Cooperation in the Far North

Many regions are waiting for Fiber to the Home, but are not receiving government funding for the construction of the networks. Joachim and Stephan Lührs from IngCommerce do not see this as a disadvantage but as an entrepreneurial opportunity.

Cities generally have well-developed fiber optic networks. This is where the leading telecom companies are actively involved. These days, it is often the local authorities that get involved in more remote locations. They use government funding for the development of broadband supply.

But the regions in between are also waiting for FTTH offers. They do not receive government funding because they could – theoretically – get their supply from existing providers. Nevertheless, telecom companies are reluctant to invest here.

IngCommerce is active in this market niche. Locations in northern Germany that offer favorable underlying conditions were systematically acquired. For some undertakings, IngCommerce and their partners founded their own local installer companies, flexibly and independently. The most recent project was launched in early 2022 in the district of Gifhorn. Here, 14,000 homes are to be fitted with a fiber optic connection.

Efficiency as a success factor

Efficiency is one of the success factors in opening up these markets. The project partners have to coordinate the construction work precisely with IngCommerce as lead contractor and adhere to deadlines exactly. Joachim and Stephan Lührs know from experience that R&M guarantees the desired efficiency. For 20 years, they have valued R&M as a reliable supplier of high-quality fiber optic products. For several projects in the far north, R&M supplied the street cabinets for fiber optic splitters and Polaris boxes for the service area interfaces.

Ready-to-install cabinets

The R&M plant in Wehnrath prepares the street cabinets ready for assembly. R&M has them brought directly to the construction site on schedule and with the right equipment. All the construction teams have to do is take the housing off the pallet and place it on the foundation. They can immediately feed in the cables, install cable management and mount the splice trays.

«This is really efficient for us,» says Stephan Lührs. He emphasizes: «R&M supports our projects optimally with easy-to-install solutions, reliable delivery, smooth cooperation, and open communication based on partnership.»



R&M solutions


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